Friday, January 30, 2009

Inspirational article


BAD MIND SET: - Part (1) About your spouse mind-set can be said to be a set of attitude or fixed ideas that somebody has and that are often difficult to change.
I do not think or believe in love.
I do not believe in apology.
I do not think I can help he/she.
Women are property.
Men are slave to women.
Women are slave that don’t have say in any matters.
Women are sex material of sex toys.
Men are meant to spent money always.
Women are meant to caution the children.
Women should be enslaving in the house.
1. I DO NOT THINK OR BELIEVE IN LOVE: Though, so many love life have failed, that does not mean that love does not exist. Love is not what you can see. But you can create love. You can conceive love and give birth to love. How? If you can conceive it, you can give birth to it (Achieve it). If you don’t have love for something, you can’t go close to it.
Before you can have love, you will have to taste and hunger for it.
2. I DO NOT BELIEVE IN APOLOGY: Apology is a state of being sorry for what you have done wrong. Self-answer turns away annoyance. Like I said, apology is a state of being sorry for what wrong you have done. Do you offend your spouse and feel pompous as if you had done nothing wrong.
Why not swallow-up your pride and just say am sorry. Pride goes before falling. Your pride can make you fall.
3. I DO NOT THINK I CAN HELP HE/SHE: Two are better than one. Two can be one-UNITY.
As for the women, you are meant to be helper right from time immemorial. Do you say became men are strong then you just leave the entire load on them?
As for the men, you are like roof. A house without roof is useless. You are meant to cover your wife or spouse and the entire family.
Modern days have spoiled so many things. These days you see so many women trying to compete with men, trying to rule the house when the man is there, as a result bringing commotion.
CONTROL MEASURE: For the wrong mind set- just take a look at the opposite of (bad)- definitely is (good).
Just thank of how you can take the opposite of the bad mind-set listed from the beginning of the article.

health article

According to scientific prove: water is valued for the cure and control of disease. Disease such as, headache, body ache, heart problem, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, meningitis, kidney and urine disease, vomiting, gas tritis, diarrhea, cancer, pile diabetics, constipation, all eye-diseases, womb and menstrual disorder, ear, nose and throat disease.
Though water, if I may say water can be found in almost every part of the world. But that does not mean that every water is good for your healthy consumption for instance, as for those who leave by stream, pond and well water cannot take the water without treating it. To treat, you should boil it very well before taking it. At least it should be taken when warm and not cold.
According to Japanese medical society, water is 100% cure for most of those diseases listed above.
CURE AND CONTROL MEASURE: before brushing your teeth, four glasses of water should be taken daily as for those with high blood pressure- for 30days.
After taking the water wait for 30-45minutes, before eating or drinking any other beverages.
After your breakfast do not eat for about 2 hours.
For those with gastric disorder-30days.
For diabetics- 30days.
Arthritic patient – 3 days in the first week and from 2nd week onwards should be daily.
Do not eat before drinking the water: The treating method has no side effects, how ever when commencing the treatment you may have to urinate a few times. It is better if we continue this and make this procedure as a routine in our life.
On a serious note water should be drank not before or after meal in order to melt down fatty food. Fatty food blocks the vain that leads to your heart.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Alcohol – related health and social problems

Alcohol – related health and social problems have become an increasing cause for concern in many countries. Data drawn from a variety of official’s international statistical reports and trade publications show tat the growth in the consumption of alcohol in some parts of the world has been much more rapid than in most other countries of the world.
Statistics which cover the period of the years show that the world commercial production of beer more than double since most beer is consumed in the years that is produced and in the country where it is produced, thread in production are reliable indicators of national consumption.
While in 1998, consumption had increased in many countries, seven Africa countries figured among those countries with a relatively high consumption had occurred in low – income countries where growth in other sector of economics development had not matched that in the beer industry.
In world health organization (WHO) believes that this phenomenon is likely to generate particular severe public health problems in those countries. According to a report released by this world today, the rapid growth of alcohol consumption in developing countries is likely to be followed after a time by an increase in alcohol – related problems that would impose a very severe strain on scare economic and social resources. This trend represents a serious threat to the capacity of increasing the number of countries that will respond adequately to the health – for – all challenge.
In some years ago, Gabon consumed 12 liters of beer per capital according to source, after some years, this rose to 135 liters, an increase of 1025 over many decades. The comparatives increase in the other countries with high consumption can not be over estimated.
According to findings, in 1960, Africa as a whole produced five million hectoliter of beer, this rose to 43.6 hectoliters of beer in 1980 an increase of 77. The comparative figure of Europe and the US were 86 and 104 respectively. Beer consumption per capital in Africa in 1960 was 1.8litres per capita. In 1980, it rose to 9.3litres, an increase of 416.
Statistics on the consumption of distilled spirits in Africa show that the consumption has remained constant. In 1965, Africa consumed 0.1 liters per capita. The same figure held for 1980.But this did not reflect the production and consumption of non commercial spirits, both legal and illegal. Similarly the figures for beer consumption in Africa did not reflect the consumption of non – commercial beer, both legal an illegal.
But the picture that emerges is clear: there has been a dramatic growth in alcohol consumption in the world. This is likely, after a period of time, to be reflect in a higher incidence of alcohol – related problems including physical, psychological, and social condition, these, in turn, will represent a very severe drain on the scarce resources of the countries concerned.

Hernia Health – Related Problems

Hernia is a sickness that has cost so many lives, so hernia should be given early treatment. Hernia occurs in an individual when part of the intestine pushes through the wall of the abdomen and appears as a bulge at the site. There are many sites where hernia occurs, although the commonly encountered type is that found in the groin. This type of hernia is known as femoral or inguinal hernia. Hernia may occur on the novel or near it, the hernia which occur on the novel is called limbilical hernia, while that which occur close to it is known as Para umbilical hernia. These two types of hernia are less common than the femoral type. Sometimes, hernias occur at former site of operation on the abdomen, particularly where the operation wound was not well closed or the wound did not heal properly. This type of hernia is called incisional hernia.
Groin hernia occurs more commonly in males, but can also occur in females in a few cases. In this kind of hernia, there is a weakness in the abdomen wall in the groin region about midway across the groin. It may appear on either side or, sometimes, on both sides.
The early signs are swelling in the groin which initially may not be noticeable but later on, the bulge starts to grow in size and becomes quite conspicuous. A good check is to give a deep cough and the swelling will increases in size. In some cases, especially in males, the protrusion may move into the scrotum.
As the swelling increases, initially, it can be pushed back manually into the body. Later on, it gets bigger still and lies almost permanently outside the body, especially when the patient stands up, but if the patient lays on his back this protrusion may move back into his abdomen. A situation such as this leads to complications later on, these complications, which often give rise to pain usually include obstruction and strangulation. In obstruction, the bulge refuses to be pushed back. In this state, the intestines are blocked and the passage of food is prevented. If this persists, the blood supply to the trapped intestine is out off. This blocking of the intestine causes swelling in the abdomen. The patient wriggles in pain and may, at this stage, vomiting such cases become emergencies which must be properly attended to in hospital by surgeons. In some cases or obstruction, the bulge can be pushed back successfully and a surgical operation can be arranged later for the patient.
Obstruction which cannot be pushed back requires an immediate surgical operation called herniorrhaphy. Herniorrphy may involve the repair of the weak abdominal walls, or the cutting off operation is carried out by a trained surgeon. Once a hernia is recognized, surgical repair should arrange to avoid complications.
Children also suffer from groin hernia. Groin hernia in children is usually due to a hole in the abdomen which ought to have closed at birth but did not.
In such cases the intestines produce into the scrotum.
The only effective treatment for all cases of hernia is surgical operation

Monday, January 26, 2009

Career is a job for which one is trained and which intends to follow for the rest of one’s life. Modern civilization has created a wide range of job opportunities and choosing a career in most cases, therefore, involves a choice between equally attractive ,and often competing alternatives.
Would you like to be a medical practitioner?
To become a medical practitioner maybe as a result from the fact that you have had a very close contact with doctors from early childhood-contact, this gives you a favorable impression about this profession.
A doctor is important in every community.He/She heals the sick and helps to maintain a healthy workforce for the community. Doctors are the agents on whom every health-care delivery system depends on.
The medical profession requires special talent and skill. Anybody6 who wants to take to up a medical career must have a aptitude for science because much of the training He/She will receive will be based on scientific knowledge.
Besides this factors medical practitioners show certain traits which make you choose medicine as a career. Doctors are patient and tolerant. They love humanity and are desirous in eradicating disease and the suffering it brings about. They have a scientific attitude to life, disease and death.
They do not believe that disease and death are caused by the wrath of the gods or witches. They attempt to find the cause and cure for disease through laboratory diagnosis, x-rays and drug administration.
Furthermore, good medical practitioners are friendly people. They listen patiently to the sick to be able to relate particular symptoms with particular disease.
They try to endure the acrid smell of bleeding patients on operation tables and the stench from the gangrenous (decay in human body or wound). Wounds of the sick in consulting rooms sometimes, the thought of a suffering patient in a ward will keep a good doctor away from his/her family. Doctors give encouragements to patients even in near death situations and they do their best to revive such patients.
Doctors are careful people, they are cautious in the prescription and use of drugs as well as in their treatment of people. They show this carefulness in several other ways.
They inspect drugs before they use them to ensure that people are not treated with drugs that have past their expiry dates. The way doctors inject young children when they scream and flex their muscles at the sight of an injection needle and syringe is a fascinating aspect of doctors carefulness. If you think of the level of carefulness a doctor shows when he/she performs a minor surgical operation or a more intricate process such as heart-transplant surgery or brain operation, then you will be convinced that the doctor’s carefulness is unmistakably real.
Today modern immunization has reduced the risk of infection from patients. Some of the other disadvantages can also be minimized by introducing good insurance polices and attractive wages. However, nothing can detract from the fact that medical profession is a noble one..

Health and peace of mind are among life’s greatest treasures if I may say health is wealth. Whatever our age or means, most of us may enjoy a fuller degree of physical health and none need lack mental peace. Everyone holds the key. We shall endeveavour to set forth certain basic principles which are necessary for the key to be used effectively.
The fact is obvious that on every hand we find suffering and disease. People are afflicted with all kinds of ailments among which cancer, diabetes and disease of the heart and blood vessels rank high increasing demand is made on the hospital services. As we become aware of the prevailing condition, we might well ask, how can we avoid serious illness?
According to Taber’s medical dictionary, "health is a wholesome condition in which all functions of the body mind are normally active". The state of being physical and mentally healthy. From this, we see that the normal natural state is what we mean by "health".
A "disease condition develops when we not main train healthy". Disease is the absence of health. Thus, the physician combats disease not so much by concentrating on the disease itself, as by seeking to restore health.
It is recognized that the right approach to the problem of curing or avoiding disease, is to concentrate on restoring or maintaining positive health. For instance, a nurse is taught that she must give special attention to diet, cleanliness, fresh air, rest and exercise. If she must maintain her health in this way, she will be better able to endure the strain of attending to the sick, thereby germs and disease will not be able to flourish.
Generally speaking, the same rules she follows in order to maintain health, her patient must follow in order to regain health though they will need to adhere even more strictly to nature’s rules during the period of restoration. Any injurious habits should be corrected, so that bodily health is restored to the point where disease germs are simply unable to flourish.
But how can we build up our health? Proper nutrition comes first. The greatest single factor of promoting and maintaining good health is proper nutrition. Without it disease is sure to appear. Right food forms the foundation for health. Poor food means poor nutrition, and poor nutrition leads to poor physical structure, and poor structure spells ill health and disease.
There are many other factors to be considered of course. These include exercise, fresh-air, proper clothing personal hygiene, and mental peace . But food is the greatest single factor.