Friday, January 30, 2009

health article

According to scientific prove: water is valued for the cure and control of disease. Disease such as, headache, body ache, heart problem, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, meningitis, kidney and urine disease, vomiting, gas tritis, diarrhea, cancer, pile diabetics, constipation, all eye-diseases, womb and menstrual disorder, ear, nose and throat disease.
Though water, if I may say water can be found in almost every part of the world. But that does not mean that every water is good for your healthy consumption for instance, as for those who leave by stream, pond and well water cannot take the water without treating it. To treat, you should boil it very well before taking it. At least it should be taken when warm and not cold.
According to Japanese medical society, water is 100% cure for most of those diseases listed above.
CURE AND CONTROL MEASURE: before brushing your teeth, four glasses of water should be taken daily as for those with high blood pressure- for 30days.
After taking the water wait for 30-45minutes, before eating or drinking any other beverages.
After your breakfast do not eat for about 2 hours.
For those with gastric disorder-30days.
For diabetics- 30days.
Arthritic patient – 3 days in the first week and from 2nd week onwards should be daily.
Do not eat before drinking the water: The treating method has no side effects, how ever when commencing the treatment you may have to urinate a few times. It is better if we continue this and make this procedure as a routine in our life.
On a serious note water should be drank not before or after meal in order to melt down fatty food. Fatty food blocks the vain that leads to your heart.

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